Monday, February 3, 2014

Fierce Hair Feature

Sonya’s Hair Story: I Am Not My Hair
Once every two weeks, my mother would wash and condition my hair as a young girl.
I inherited dull, coarse, and very kinky hair that required a hot pressing comb to straighten it. Pressing was necessary in order to navigate through the mane on my head. I was obsessed with having perfect hair. In my finite thinking, long hair indicated beauty and I wanted it at any cost. It was my crown of glory so to speak.

I vividly remember being in the second grade, taking down my ponytails to get my hair washed. As I began combing, globs of hair were coming from the top of my head. With every stroke, hair was in my hands. I ran into the den to show my mother while screaming…My hair is falling out! My mother was horrified. She could not believe what she was seeing. I went blank after that. I have no memory of what happened the rest of that night, except me crying.

The next few weeks, I went through a series of tests and continued balding. My mother was given a prescription shampoo to use daily to wash my hair. It was a painful process for the both of us. I cried every day. My mother cried too, but she would cry and pray.
The top right side of my head was completely bald, not a strand in sight. I was told my hair would never grow back. She said I told my father she was trying to kill me. My mother would not accept the doctor’s answer. She knitted a navy blue hat with a red flower for me to wear every day. I wore it every single day, and she washed my hair every single night. One day she stopped crying; she started to build my courage to endure.
She began planting the seed of prayer in my heart as my tears watered them. I would hear her say, "Lord please let Sonya's hair grow back." One day I began praying what I heard her say, and it was so. It was several long months of prayers, but one day we saw growth. Fine fuzzy hair started growing from the top of my head. I witnessed first-hand the power of a praying mother. Little did I know, it was the beginning of my faith walk in His plan for my life.

There are no photos of me in the navy blue hat or without my hair. I was teased, taunted, and made fun of too many days. My mother recognized the mental blow to my self-esteem and chose to protect me as much as possible. No need to be reminded of the pain; I had been through enough at this point. The above photo was taken in the third grade. I am in love with this picture because my hair had grown back. It was my comeback moment! I was so proud.

One day I promised the Lord if He allowed my hair to never bald again, I would give Him glory with the hair I had left. He did and I did. I still have moments of my hair thinning, but I keep praising and thanking Him for what’s left.

I am reminded of the story in second Corinthians 12:7, the Apostle Paul prayed for the thorn in his flesh to be removed. It was God's way of keeping him humbled. Although I'm not Paul, my hair keeps me humble. Whenever my hair sheds, when being complimented on my hair, I say thank you. It's God's way of encouraging me. He builds my self-esteem and whispers sweet nothings in my ear. I AM the manicurist, makeup artist, hair and wardrobe stylist. All for His glory.

Although you’re not natural, do you think natural hair is a trend?
I do not think natural hair is a trend. It is a way for some to express creativity; for others it could be health reasons.

Do you believe one’s style influences hair or vice-versa?
I definitely believe one’s style influences their hair choice. Fashion does too.

As a stylist, you dress women daily. What connection if any, do you find between looks (hair specifically) and self-esteem?
Whatever is going on inwardly will reflect in the outer appearance. When you say “I’m having a bad hair day,” you are in essence saying a lot about your attitude. Your esteem is highly affected by the way you think of yourself.

India Arie said it best, 
“I am not my hair, I am not this skin, I am not your expectations;
I am a soul deep within".
You are not your hair, you are more...
There is purpose inside of you, use it for 
His Glory!!

Thank you Sonya, for sharing your hair story!


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